Dronecubator Program Exposed New Talent and Promoting Exposure to Drone Technology

Dronecubator Program Exposed New Talent and Promoting Exposure to Drone Technology

25-26 November 2023 | UMPSA Gambang

The Dronecubator program represents a collaborative effort between UMPSA and Futurise Sdn Bhd, a company under the Malaysian Ministry of Finance. This initiative serves as an industry collaboration with the objective of nurturing new talent and promoting exposure to drone sports technology.

Emphasizing the STEAM aspect of drones which encompasses various activities mainly:
1. Introduction to drone
2. Introduction to drone sports
3. Rules and regulations on drone
4. Hands-on drone building
5. Hands-on drone configuration
6. Hands-on drone maintenance
7. Hands-on drone Visual Line Of Sight (VLOS) flight
8. Hands-on drone First Person View (FPV) flight
9. Battery management

The inaugural session, conducted at UMPSA Gambang, involved 3 facilitators and 10 students on 25 & 26 November 2023. Subsequently, two more sessions are scheduled for UMPSA Pekan in January 2024, with a total of 50 students. The UMPSA Dronecubator program is overseen and managed by UMPSA Drone Research Network led by Ts. Dr. Mohammad Fadhil bin Abas from FTKEE, UMPSA.